Dr Aisha is a Yemeni-American, fluent in English and Arabic. She is the founder and leader of Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, and has a PhD in epidemiology.
Her full academic CV follows:
PhD, Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1989
Dissertation Title: “Feeding Practices and Diarrhea in Infants: Association and Interaction”.
MPH, Epidemiology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1985
Thesis Title: “Factors affecting wasting in Yemeni Children”.
BA, Biology, Mills College, Oakland, CA, 1984
High School, Arwa High School, Sana’a, Yemen, 1979
Certificate: Women In Development, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1990.
Professional Experience
Humanitarian Response
Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (YRRF)
Founder and President
Established YRRF in 2017 in response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. YRRF aims to increase awareness of the US public and policymakers about the humanitarian crises underway in Yemen, support relief and reconstruction efforts, and facilitate campaigns to bring peace to the country. I am responsible for fundraising and oversea the advocacy efforts and program relief implementation throughout Yemen.
A. Research and Management
Independent Consultant
Manage and coordinate multiple Health related projects in Yemen funded by US DOS/BEP program. These include Health related training, laboratory strengthening, surveillance and infectious and zoonotic diseases. Support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Field Epidemiology Training Program, and mentor young scientists.
Worked with Metabiota in 2016 and 2018-2020 to support advanced FETP training in Iraq funded by DTRA. Developed Epidemiology training material for advanced level and conducted training. In June of 2020, contract was moved to Black and Veatch.
Currently working with Metabiota as a senior epidemiologist supporting the DRTA funded project to support the FETP training program in Iraq. Support the advanced training and provide technical expertise in establishing the Intermediate FETP training.
TEPHINET-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Global Health
2010 to 2012
Support Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) the Middle East: Yemen, and Morocco. I established the Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETP) in Yemen in 2011 with a first cohort of 12 trainees in the midst of social and political unrest. I supported training and mentoring of FETP trainees working with CDC and the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MOPHP).
HPV Vaccine: Evidence for Impact, Project Director
2008- 2010
I served as the project director of the HPV vaccine project, the 4th largest project at PATH with about 50 staff members. I directed the introduction of the vaccine in multiple sites in four countries in three continents: Vietnam and India in Asia, Peru in South America and Uganda in Africa. I was responsible for effective communication with the donor, partners that included WHO, ICO, Harvard University, GAVI and IARC, and technical advisory group representing nationally and internationally recognized HPV experts.
Herpes Viruses Activity Team Leader
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
Epidemiology and Surveillance Division
Viral Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
2007- 2008
I served as the lead epidemiologist and manager for the Varicella and Zoster vaccination programs. I managed the national epidemiology program on varicella and herpes zoster, and provided technical advice and consultation on issues related to varicella and zoster to national and international organizations. We established a working group to develop the zoster vaccine recommendation and presented to ACIP.
Senior Epidemiologist
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Health Studies
Health Investigation Branch
June 2004 to January 2006
I served as the lead epidemiologist in the Branch. I was the project officer for a cooperative agreement on PCBs and health outcomes in Anniston, AL. The project involved 13 universities and multiple community partners. I also served as the technical expert on epidemiology methods for other staff in the branch, and provided consultations on epidemiologic methods for all research projects in the branch and to other researchers in the division. I provided technical support and participated in the health and population survey that was conducted in Louisiana after the Hurricane in 2005.
Epidemiologist then Herpes Viruses Activity Team Leader
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Immunization Program
Epidemiology and Surveillance Division
Child Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
July 1998- June 2004
I served as the lead epidemiologist for the Varicella Activity. I provided expert advice and consultation on issues related to varicella vaccine use as well as other vaccine preventable disease related issues. I evaluated the data collection, quality control, and/or data utilization methods used to study epidemiological problems or issues. I participated in the development of varicella vaccination policy in the United States working closely with states to ensure that children are protected against varicella. I led the efforts to establish varicella surveillance and make varicella cases and deaths nationally notifiable working closely with CSTE. I was one of the lead epidemiologist in the case control study on rotavirus vaccine and intussusception and presented to ACIP in October 1999 leading to the withdrawal of the vaccine from the US market.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Cancer control and Prevention
Epidemiology and Statistics Branch
Currently (Cancer Surveillance Branch)
June 1995- July 1998
Head of the Epidemiology Working Group in the cancer Surveillance Branch. Primary investigator in several prostate, cervical and breast cancer research projects. Primary investigator in a case control study that assessed the association between breast cancer and diet intake at various years in life before diagnosis in a Swedish study. Provide consultations to States, Universities and local agencies conducting cancer research funded by CDC. Provide epidemiologic and statistical technical consultation to my Division staff.
Senior Epidemiologist
Klemm Analysis Group
March-May 1995
Served as a consultant to the Division of Cancer Control and Prevention, I headed the research on a case control study, collaboration between CDC and Swedish Scientists in examining the association between life time diet intake and the risk of breast cancer. Examined and reported preliminary results for the following micro-nutrients: Ascorbic acid, fat, retinol, selenium, tocopherol and beta carotene.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Nutrition Division
Maternal and Child Health Branch
1992 to 1993
Examined the pediatric anthropometric indicators, their appropriate uses for clinical and public health purposes. Analyzed the Romanian Nutrition Survey, 1991 examining the association between the different anthropometric indicators, anemia and iodine deficiency in children less than 5 years of age.
B. Curriculum Development and Teaching
Assistant Professor
Emory University
School of Public Health, Epidemiology Department
1993 to 1995
Developed and taught a graduate level course in intermediate epidemiology for the masters’ students. Conducted research through an Interagency Personal Agreement with CDC. For the Maternal and Child Health Branch, Nutrition, I examined the relationship between iron deficiency and infectious diseases in children. Worked on the 1992 Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System; examined race differences in infant mortality rates by birth weight and gestational age; created a standardized internal reference using the U.S. mortality surveillance data. Employed complex regression techniques to project the crude and age-adjusted skin cancer rates and calculate the expected number of skin cancer cases to the year 2010 in the U.S. by race and gender.
Assistant Professor
Sana’a University – Yemen
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
1990 to 1992
Developed and taught the curriculum of epidemiology and biostatistics for the medical school students in the first, second and sixth years. Instituted research projects for graduating students and supervised the first 13th research projects conducted by the medical school graduates of 1992. Provided epidemiologic consultation to teaching staff at the medical school and other faculties. Provided research consultancies to the national and international agencies working in Yemen, including different Ministries, USAID, Swedish Save the Children, and UNFPA. Supervised a PhD candidate at the University of Alexandria.
C. Program
National Program officer
United Nations Population Fund
Supervised four major program areas supported by the United Nations Population Fund; Maternal and Child Health, Population Dynamics, Women in Development and Population and Youth. Reviewed projects and proposals for methodology and implementation, financial and administrative aspects of work plans and reprogramming. Collaborated with the Government of Yemen and Yemeni Institutions in identifying their needs and participated in the preparation of requests for funding.
National Program Assistant
United Nations Population Fund
1989 to 1990
Supervised the Yemen Arab Republic Country Program in the areas of maternal and child health, women in development, youth and education and population studies. Reviewed proposed projects in the above areas to identify deficiencies and provide remedies. Participated in the development of projects for UNFPA assisted program in Yemen.
Health Program Officer
United Nations Development Program
1989 to 1991
Reviewed projects presented to UNDP and provided technical and funding recommendations. Organized the first donor agencies meeting in Yemen and prepared a directory and a matrix of health activities by agencies. Briefed health missions and international experts on health issues and activities in Yemen identifying areas for external support including, FAO, UNICEF, WB, DUTCH and others.
D. Consultancies
Senior Epidemiologist consultant
Black and Veatch
June 2021-present
Provided technical advice and training to the three levels of the FETP program in Iraq, front line, intermediate and advanced, including developing and reviewing training material, strategic and sustainability planning.
Senior Epidemiologist
August 2018-May 2021
Provided technical advice and training to the Iraq FETP program. Helped start the intermediate program and the incorporation of management and leadership training.
Epidemiology Curriculum Development
December 2017 – February 2018
Johns Snow Inc
Developed Front line and High-Level Epidemiology Methods trainings Modules including Descriptive epidemiology, surveillance and biostatistics methods.
Epidemiology Trainer
May – November 2016
Developed Mid-Level Epidemiology Methods Training Modules including descriptive, analytical, survey, and surveillance methodologies. Reviewed and provided feedback to a module on outbreak investigation. Conducted on-line training to medical professionals in Iraq on above topics.
Health Assessment Consultant
March 2013
John Snow Inc
Conducted an assessment of Maternal and Child Health situation in Yemen to help develop a multi-million-dollar project funded by USAID.
Polio outbreak in Yemen 2005
May 12- June 10, 2005
In 2005, CDC Global Immunization Program deployed me to Yemen for one month to assist with the 2005 polio outbreak. I worked closely with MOPHO, MOP, WHO and CDC as a team lead for the challenging areas in Sana’a city with high vaccine refusals. We planned, trained and conducted house to house polio vaccination in Yemen for the first time. We also carried assessment of the vaccination coverage.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jan-May 1999
Stop Transmission of Polio (Yemen)
In 1999, I led a 5-peson CDC team to Yemen as members of the first STOP to establish AFP surveillance. We worked closely with MOPHP and WHO. We conducted training to key sites on AFP surveillance including at the National and Governorates level; we developed surveillance plans. I was responsible for two main Governorates, Sana’a and Aden; the political and economic capitals in the country. The current surveillance system in Yemen was built on the AFP surveillance that we established.
Women In Development
World Education, Boston Ma
May-June 1995
Carried out the final evaluation of the Support to the Yemeni Women Association Project 1991-1995, which was executed by World Education and funded by USAID. Analyzed the accomplishments that were made towards achieving SWAY overall objectives; documented the overall impact of the SWAY Activity on the centers; and provided USAID/Yemen with assistance in determining future directions for its WID program.
Women In Development
World Education, Boston Ma
December 1994-February 1995
Conducted an assessment of the institutional Development Component of a USAID funded project supporting the Yemeni Women Associations. Assessed the progress and status of World Education’s past and present institutional development activities with the Yemeni Women’s Union Branches and Centers; assessed the centers’ progress towards greater institutional capacity and sustainability; and made recommendations on priority actions to be undertaken between March and May 1995 based on the findings of the assessment
Project Manager
U.S. Peace Corps (PC), Sana’a
June to August 1992
Developed the 1992 training program for new Peace Corps trainees in Yemen. Supervised six training coordinators (Health-MCH, Health-Management, Personal health, English, Arabic and cross-cultural), eight trainers and twelve supporting staff. Managed a $143,000 budget and directed the administrative procedures. Consulted with the trainees and provided them with the necessary support.
Health Plan Development
U.S. Peace Corps, Sana’a
March to May 1992
Refined and finalized the Eight Years Health Project Plan for eight rural health sites. Visited health centers and advised Peace Corps on selecting sites for assistance. Met with local health officials and community leaders of the selected health centers; provided technical support to the Health Peace Corps Volunteers at the different sites.
Health Care Development and Evaluation
Research Triangle Institute
Assessment Team
March to May 1992
Participated in the assessment of the USAID-assisted child survival project in four Governorates. Made recommendations and modified the “Options for Family Health” project plan to integrate it into the new USAID project with a US $18 millions budget.
Health Coordinator
U.S. Peace Corps
Dec. 1991 to Jan 1992
Trained the 1991/92 new Peace Corps trainees in Primary Health Care skills to improve the Maternal and Child Health services in rural Yemen through improving health services and preventive medicine.
Women In Development and Education
Pre-identification Mission to the Southern Governorate
The Netherlands Embassy in Yemen
June 1991
Participated in assessing the areas for Dutch support in four Southern Governorate in the areas of Women In Development and Education identifying priority geographic areas and issue areas for a six million dollars project. Visited the four Governorate, met with Government officials and with the communities and discussed the major needs as identified by the locals, wrote a detailed analytic report and proposed budgeted recommendations.
Primary Health Care Evaluation
SNV (Dutch Volunteer Organization)
August 1990
Participated in evaluating the Dutch supported Rada Primary Health Care Project, visited health centers and units and discussed the services provided. Participated in evaluating the training of the Primary Health Care Workers and examining coordination with other projects.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
International Health Program Office
1986 to 1987
Analyzed the Morbidity and Mortality surveys of the following countries: Togo, Zaire, and Liberia. Analyzed the Cholorquine efficacy of treating cholera in Zaire.
United States Department of State Certificate of Appreciation, 2014, 2015, 2016
Vision Award, PATH, 2009
2007 NCEH & ATSDR CDC Honor Award for superior Mission Response to the Louisiana Population Estimate Group.
The 2005 Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service for leadership, scientific excellence, exceptional productivity, and exemplary teamwork that was demonstrated during the urgent resettlement of 8,000 Liberian refugees to the United States.
2004 Group Award: MarketScan® Investigator’s Award” by MedStat-Thompson group
for outstanding applications of the MarketScan databases for health services research. Fifth Annual MarketScan Award.
Multiple National Immunization Program Certificates of Appreciation and Cash Awards for the years 2001-2004.
The 6th Annual Awards Ceremony Certificate of Appreciation Rota virus and Intussusception investigation. National Immunization Program. CDC, September 2000
The 6th Annual Awards Ceremony Certificate of Appreciation. Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP). National Immunization Program, CDC, September 2000
The 48th Annual CDC and ATSDR Honor Award Research – Epidemiology and Laboratory
CDC and ATSDR, 2000
2000 Department of Health and Human Services Honor Award. Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service. Rotavirus/Intussusception Team. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000
The 48th Annual CDC and ATSDR Honor Award for International Health Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) Team. CDC and ATSDR, 2000
The 48th Annual CDC and ATSDR Honor Award for Research – Operational Rotavirus/Intussusception Team. CDC and ATSDR, 2000
The Charles Shepard Award for Excellence in Research. Emory University, 1996
English and Arabic
Peer Reviewed Articles
Humanitarian health in conflict and violence settings. CJ Standley, AO Jumaan, EM Sorrell, C El Bcheraoui – Frontiers in public health, 2022
Al Serouri AA, Ghaleb YA, Al. Aghbari LA, Al Amad MA, Alkohlani AS, Almoayed, KA and Jumaan AO (2021) Field Epidemiology Training Program Response to COVID-19 During a Conflict: Experience From Yemen. Front. Public Health 9:688119. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.688119
Huynh BQ, Kwong LH, Kiang MV, Chin ET, Mohareb AM, Jumaan AO, Basu S, Geldsetzer P, Karaki FM, Rehkopf DH. Public health impacts of an imminent Red Sea oil spill. Nat Sustain. 2021 Dec;4(12):1084-1091. doi: 10.1038/s41893-021-00774-8. Epub 2021 Oct 11. PMID: 34926834; PMCID: PMC8682806.
Ann Marie Kimball & Aisha Jumaan (2020) Yemen: the challenge of delivering aid in an active conflict zone, Global Security: Health, Science and Policy, 5:1, 65-70, DOI: 10.1080/23779497.2020.1814162
Al Serouri A; Jumaan A; Alkohlani A. Yemen field epidemiology training programme: a tool for strengthening the public health workforce. East Mediterr Health J. 2018;24(9):905–913. https://doi.org/10.26719/2018.24.9.905
El Bcheraoui C, Jumaan AO, Collison ML, Daoud F, Mokdad AH. Health in Yemen: Losing Ground in War Time. Globalization and Health 2018; 14:42.
Amood Al-Kamarany M, Al-Areqi L, Mujally A, Alkarshy F, Nasser A, Jumaan AO. Diarrheal Diseases Hospitalization in Yemen before and after Rotavirus Vaccination. Scientifica (Cairo). 2016; 2016:8485417. doi: 10.1155/2016/8485417. Epub 2016 Jun 29.
Sancho-Garnier H, Khazraji YC, Cherif MH, Mahnane A, Hsairi M, El Shalakamy A, Osgul N, Tuncer M, Jumaan AO, Seoud M. Overview of Cervical Cancer Screening Practices in the Extended Middle East and North Africa Countries. Vaccine. Volume 31, Supplement 6, 30 December 2013, Pages G51–G57.
Jumaan AO, Ghanem S, Taher J, Braikat M, Al Awaidy S, Dbaibo GS. Prospects and Challenges in the Introduction of Human Papillomavirus Vaccines in the Extended Middle East and North Africa Region. Vaccine. Volume 31, Supplement 6, 30 December 2013, Pages G58–G64.
Seoud M, Vaccarella S, El-Kak F, Sancho-Garnier H, Jumaan AO, Kim JJ, Garland SM, Stern PL, LaMontagne DS, Albero G, Bosch FX. Extended Middle East and North Africa: summary recommendations for the prevention of human papillomavirus infections and related cancers including cervical cancer. Vaccine. 2013 Dec 30;31 Suppl 6:G78-9.
Mohanty S, Perella D, Jumaan A, Robinson D, Forke CM, Schmid DS, Renwick M, Mankodi F, Watson B, Fiks AG. Validity of medical record documented varicella-zoster virus among unvaccinated cohorts. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013 Aug;9(8):1735-8.
Hyde TB, Andrus JK, Dietz VJ; Integrated All-VPD Surveillance Working Group, Andrus JK, Hyde TB, Lee CE, Widdowson MA, Verani JR, Friedman C, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Lopez AS, Jumaan A, Dietz VJ. Critical issues in implementing a national integrated all-vaccine preventable disease surveillance system. Vaccine. 2013 Jul 2;31 Suppl 3:C94-8.
Stone GS, Henderson AK, Davis SI, Lewin M, Shimizu I, Krishnamurthy R, Bisgard K, Lee R, Jumaan A, Marziale E, Bryant M, Williams C, Mason K, Sirois M, Hori M, Chapman J, Bowman DJLessons from the 2006 Louisiana health and population survey. 2012 Apr;36(2):270-90.
LaMontagne DS, Barge S, Le NT, Mugisha E, Penny ME, Gandhi S, Janmohamed A, Kumakech E, Mosqueira NR, Nguyen NQ, Paul P, Tang Y, Minh TH, Uttekar BP, Jumaan AO. Human papillomavirus vaccine delivery strategies that achieved high coverage in low- and middle-income countries. Bull World Health Organ. 2011 Nov 1;89(11):821-830.
Penny M, Bartolini R, Mosqueira NR, Lamontagne DS, Mendoza MA, Ramos I, Winkler JL, Villafana J, Janmohamed A, Jumaan AO. Strategies to vaccinate against cancer of the cervix: Feasibility of a school-based HPV vaccination program in Peru. Vaccine. 2011 May 21.
Leung J, Harpaz R, Molinari NA, Jumaan A, Zhou F. Herpes zoster incidence among insured persons in the United States, 1993-2006: evaluation of impact of varicella vaccination. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Feb 1;52(3):332-40.
Reynolds MA, Kruszon-Moran D, Jumaan A, Schmid DS, McQuillan GM. Varicella seroprevalence in the U.S.: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004. Public Health Rep. 2010 Nov-Dec;125(6):860-9.
Donahue JG, Kieke BA, Gargiullo PM, Jumaan AO, Berger NR, McCauley JS, Belongia EA.
Herpes zoster and exposure to the varicella zoster virus in an era of varicella vaccination. Am J Public Health. 2010 Jun;100(6):1116-22. Epub 2010 Jan 14.
Schmid DS, Jumaan AO. Impact of varicella vaccine on varicella-zoster virus dynamics.
Clin Microbiol Rev. 2010 Jan;23(1):202-17. Review.
Civen R, Chaves SS, Jumaan A, Wu H, Mascola L, Gargiullo P, Seward, JF.T he incidence and clinical characteristics of herpes zoster among children and adolescents after implementation of varicella vaccination. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 Nov;28(11):954-9.
Perella D, Fiks AG, Jumaan A, Robinson D, Gargiullo P, Pletcher J, Forke CM, Schmid DS, Renwick M, Mankodi F, Watson B, Spain CV. Validity of reported varicella history as a marker for varicella zoster virus immunity among unvaccinated children, adolescents, and young adults in the post-vaccine licensure era. Pediatrics. 2009 May;123(5):e820-8. Erratum in: Pediatrics. 2009 Aug;124(2):846.
MacNeil A, Reynolds MG, Carroll DS, Karem K, Braden Z, Lash R, Moundeli A, Mombouli JV, Jumaan AO, Schmid DS, Damon IK. Monkeypox or varicella? Lessons from a rash outbreak investigation in the Republic of the Congo. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2009 Apr;80(4):503-7.
Seaman V, Jumaan A, Yanni E, Lewis B, Neyer J, Roda P, Xu M, Hoffman R. Use of molecular testing to identify a cluster of patients with polycythemia vera in eastern Pennsylvania. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009 Feb;18(2):534-40. Epub 2009 Feb 3.
Lu PJ, Euler GL, Jumaan AO, Harpaz R. Herpes zoster vaccination among adults aged 60 years or older in the United States, 2007: uptake of the first new vaccine to target seniors. Vaccine. 2009 Feb 5;27(6):882-7. Epub 2008 Dec 9.
Macneil A, Reynolds MG, Braden Z, Carroll DS, Bostik V, Karem K, Smith SK, Davidson W, Li Y, Moundeli A, Mombouli JV, Jumaan AO, Schmid DS, Regnery RL, Damon IK. Transmission of atypical varicella-zoster virus infections involving palm and sole manifestations in an area with monkeypox endemicity. Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Jan 1;48(1):e6-8.
Guris, D, Jumaan, A, Mascola L, Watson B etal. Changing Varicella Epidemiology in Active Surveillance Sites—United States, 1995–2005. JID. 2008;197:S71–S75
Watson B, Civen R, Reynolds M, Heath K, Perella D, Carbajal T, Mascola L, Jumaan A, Zimmerman L, James A, Quashi C, Schmid S. Validity of self-reported varicella disease history in pregnant women attending prenatal clinics. Public Health Rep. 2007 Jul-Aug;122(4):499-506.
Sengupta N, Booy R, Schmitt HJ, Peltola H, Van-Damme P, Schumacher RF, Campins M, Rodrigo C, Heikkinen T, Seward J, Jumaan A, Finn A, Olcen P, Thiry N, Weil-Olivier C, Breuer J. Varicella vaccination in Europe: are we ready for a universal childhood programme?
Eur J Pediatr. 2007 Mar 3; [Epub ahead of print]
Lopez AS, Guris D, Zimmerman L, Gladden L, Moore T, Haselow DT, Loparev VN, Schmid DS, Jumaan AO, Snow SL. One dose of varicella vaccine does not prevent school outbreaks: is it time for a second dose? Pediatrics. 2006 Jun;117(6):e1070-7.
Luman ET, Ching PL, Jumaan AO, Seward JF. Uptake of varicella vaccination among young children in the United States: a success story in eliminating racial and ethnic disparities.
Pediatrics. 2006 Apr;117(4):999-1008.
Lopez AS, Lett SM, Yih WK, Northrup J, Jumaan AO, Seward JF. Increasing evidence of immunity to varicella among children in Massachusetts, 1999-2003. Am J Prev Med. 2006 Mar;30(3):232-6.
Zhou F, Harpaz R, Jumaan AO, Winston CA, Shefer A. Impact of varicella vaccination on health care utilization. JAMA. 2005 Aug 17;294(7):797-802.
Yih WK, Brooks DR, Lett SM, Jumaan AO, Zhang Z, Clements KM, Seward JF. Related Articles, Links
The incidence of varicella and herpes zoster in Massachusetts as measured by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) during a period of increasing varicella vaccine coverage, 1998-2003.
BMC Public Health. 2005 Jun 16;5(1):68
Haddad MB, Hill MB, Pavia AT, Green CE, Jumaan AO, De AK, Rolfs RT. Related Articles, Links
Vaccine effectiveness during a varicella outbreak among schoolchildren: Utah, 2002-2003.
Pediatrics. 2005 Jun;115(6):1488-93.
Jumaan AO, Yu O, Jackson LA, Bohlke K, Galil K, Seward JF. Related Articles, Links
Incidence of herpes zoster, before and after varicella-vaccination-associated decreases in the incidence of varicella, 1992-2002. J Infect Dis. 2005 Jun 15;191(12):2002-7.
Marin M, Nguyen HQ, Keen J, Jumaan AO, Mellen PM, Hayes EB, Gensheimer KF,
Gunderman-King J, Seward JF. Importance of catch-up vaccination: experience from a
varicella outbreak, Maine, 2002-2003. Pediatrics. 2005 Apr;115(4):900-5.
Nguyen HQ, Jumaan AO, Seward JF. Decline in mortality due to varicella after implementation of varicella vaccination in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2005 Feb 3;352(5):450-8.
Moore ZS, Seward JF, Watson BM, Maupin TJ, Jumaan AO. Chickenpox or smallpox: the use of the febrile prodrome as a distinguishing characteristic. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Dec 15;39(12):1810-7. Epub 2004 Nov 18.
Jumaan A, Schmid DS, Gargiullo P, Seward J. Scientific commentary. Vaccine. 2004 Sep 3;22(25-26):3228-31
Danovaro-Holliday MC, Gordon ER, Jumaan AO, Woernle C, Judy RH, Schmid DS, Seward JF. High rate of varicella complications among Mexican-born adults in Alabama.
Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Dec 1;39(11):1633-9. Epub 2004 Nov 9.
Jumaan AO, Harpaz R. Chickenpox outbreak in a highly vaccinated school population.
Pediatrics. 2004 Oct;114(4):1130; author reply 1131. No abstract available.
Jumaan A, Schmid DS, Gargiullo P, Seward J. Scientific commentary.
Vaccine. 2004 Sep 3;22(25-26):3228-31; author reply 3232-6. No abstract available.
Seward JF, Zhang JX, Maupin TJ, Mascola L, Jumaan AO. Contagiousness of varicella in vaccinated cases: a household contact study. JAMA. 2004 Aug 11;292(6):704-8.
Verstraeten T, Jumaan AO, Mullooly JP, Seward JF, Izurieta HS, DeStefano F, Black SB, Chen RT; Vaccine Safety Datalink Research Group. A retrospective cohort study of the association of varicella vaccine failure with asthma, steroid use, age at vaccination, and measles-mumps-rubella vaccination. Pediatrics. 2003 Aug;112(2):e98-103.
Kilgore PE, Kruszon-Moran D, Seward JF, Jumaan A, Van Loon FP, Forghani B, McQuillan GM, Wharton M, Fehrs LJ, Cossen CK, Hadler SC. Varicella in Americans from NHANES III: implications for control through routine immunization. J Med Virol. 2003;70 Suppl 1:S111-8.
Hall S, Maupin T, Seward J, Jumaan AO, Peterson C, Goldman G, Mascola L, Wharton M. Second varicella infections: are they more common than previously thought?
Pediatrics. 2002 Jun;109(6):1068-73.
Seward JF, Watson BM, Peterson CL, Mascola L, Pelosi JW, Zhang JX, Maupin TJ, Goldman GS, Tabony LJ, Brodovicz KG, Jumaan AO, Wharton M. Varicella disease after introduction of varicella vaccine in the United States, 1995-2000. JAMA. 2002 Feb 6;287(5):606-11.
Jumaan AO, Seward J. The effectiveness of the varicella vaccine. N Engl J Med. 2001 Aug 9;345(6):464-5.
Murphy TV, Gargiullo PM, Massoudi MS, Nelson DB, Jumaan AO, Okoro CA, Zanardi LR, Setia S, Fair E, LeBaron CW, Wharton M, Livengood JR; Rotavirus Intussusception Investigation Team. Intussusception among infants given an oral rotavirus vaccine.
N Engl J Med. 2001 Feb 22;344(8):564-72.
Seward J, Jumaan A, Schmid S. Varicella vaccine revisited. Nat Med. 2000 Dec;6(12):1298-300.
Meyer PA, Seward JF, Jumaan AO, Wharton M. Varicella mortality: trends before vaccine licensure in the United States, 1970-1994. J Infect Dis. 2000 Aug;182(2):383-90. Epub 2000 Jul 12.
Jumaan AO, Holmberg L, Zack M, Mokdad AH, Ohlander EM, Wolk A, Byers T.
Beta-carotene intake and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Epidemiology. 1999 Jan;10(1):49-53.
German RR, Jumaan AO, Steele B, Ortiz-Rios E, Brown B. A literature review of published data from statewide cancer registries in the US. Journal of Registry Management 1999;26(2):62-65.
Jumaan AO, Serdula MK, Williamson DF, Dibley MJ, Binkin NJ, Boring JJ.
Feeding practices and growth in Yemeni children. J Trop Pediatr. 1989 Apr;35(2):82-6.
El-Sayed NA, El-Sahn FA, Al-Gendari KA, Jumaan AO. A study on breast-feeding practices in Yemen, Health Services Journal of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, WHO. Vol 7. Jan 1993 pp 15-22.
Morbidly and Mortality Weekly Reports
CDC. Outbreak of varicella among vaccinated children — Michigan, 2003. Vol 53, No 18;389;2004
CDC. Decline in annual incidence of varicella — Selected States, 1990—2001.Vol 52, No 37;884; 2003
CDC. Varicella-related deaths — United States, 2002.Vol 52, No 23;545;2003
CDC. Notice to Readers: Shortage of varicella and measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines and interim recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Vol 51, No 09;190;2002
CDC. Simultaneous administration of varicella vaccine and other recommended childhood vaccines, United States, 1995-1999. MMWR 2001; 50 (47):1058-1061.
CDC. Evaluation of varicella reporting to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System– United States, 1972-1997. MMWR 1999;48(03):55-58.
Books’ Chapters
Hajjeh, R; Talat, M; Jumaan, A. Chapter 11. Infectious Diseases: The Unfinished Agenda and Future Needs. In: Public Health in the Arab World. Editeors: Samer Jabbour, Rita Giacaman, Birzeit, Marwan Khawaja, Iman Nuwayhid. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Seward J, Jumaan A. Chapter 40, VSV: persistence in the population. In: Human Herpesviruses: Biology, Therapy, and Immunoprophylaxis. Editors: Arvin A, Campadelli-Fiume G, Mocarski E, Moore PS, Roizman B, Whitley R, Yamanishi K. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007.
Aisha Jumaan, Laura Zimmerman, Susan Reef, Mark Papania, Jairam R. Lingappa, Walter W. Williams Nosocomial Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Other Viral Infections. In: Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control, 3 rd edition, 2004. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; editor: C. Glen Mayhall MD.
Aisha Jumaan, PhD, MPH; Hayley Hughes, MPH; Scott Schmid, PhD; Karin Galil, MD, MPH;
Kelly Plott, MPH; Laura Zimmerman, MPH; Jane Seward, MBBS, MPH. In: Vaccine Preventable Diseases Surveillance Manual, 3 rd edition, 2002, Chapter 14: Varicella
Carroza S, Chen V, Wu X, Fulton J, Hutton M, Jumaan A, Lehnherr M, Pynko J. Recent Changes in Lung Cancer Incidence for Selected States and Metropolitan Areas. Cancer In North America 1990-1994, Volune One: Incidence.
Jumaan A, Seward, J, Wharton M. Varicella Surveillance: Script for a Video Program. Varicella Activity, Child Vaccine-Preventable Branch, Epidemiology and Surveillance Division. National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 1998.
Jennings R, Jumaan A, Shenif H. Final Evaluation, Support For Yemeni Women’s Association Activity (SWAY), (Project No. 279-0080-C-0003-00), World Education, Inc. August 1995.
Jumaan A. Support for the Women’s Associations of Yemen (SWAY) Project, Institutional Assessment Report. (Project No. 279-0080-C-0003-00), World Education, Inc. March 1995.
Golaz A, Jumaan A, Mahra M, Bern C, Yip R. Review on the relationship between iron status and acute respiratory infection (ARI). Maternal and Child Health Branch, Division of Nutrition, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Program Against Micronutrient Malnutrition, Emory School of Public Health, February 1994.
Fulton J, Lehnherr M, Hutton M, Jumaan AO, Wingo P, Chen VW, Punyko J. Geographic variability in prostate cancer incidence trends, United States, 1989-1994. Cancer In North America 1991-1995, Volume Five.
Yip Y, Jumaan AO, Parvanta A. Romania National Nutrition Survey, Romania Ministry of Health and UNICEF/Romania, October,1993.
Neil A, McCaully R, Jumaan AO. Assessment of the Child Survival Project. Research Triangle Institute/USAID, Yemen, May 1992.
Jumaan AO, Zimmermann S. Women in Development and Education. Pre-Identification Mission to the Southern Governorates, Yemen, July 1991.
El-Ghouayel H, Farah A, Sheikh S, Jumaan AO. Background Document for the Program Review and Strategy Development Exercise for the Republic of Yemen, UNFPA, July 1991.
Jumaan AO. A Proposed Health Program for UNDP support for the 1992-1996 programming cycle. UNDP, Yemen, Jan. 1991.
Jumaan AO, Al-ariany S, Haithami S, Ter-Avest H, Rada Primary Health Care Project, Midterm Review, Sept. 1990.
Jumaan AO. Feeding Practices and Diarrhea in Infants. Association and Interaction. Do the Socioeconomic Status of the Family and the Environmental Condition of the Household Modify the Association? University of North Carolina, School of Public Health, 1989.
Jumaan AO. Factors Affecting Wasting in Yemeni Children. Emory University, Masters’ of Public Health Program, 1989.
Journal Reviews
Peer reviewer for multiple scientific journals including JAMA, CID, BMC, Pediatrics, JID, Vaccine, and PIDJ
Journal Editor
Population Health Metrics
Upon request