Sanjay Khanna is our futures and foresight specialist. He is also the Chief Futurist of SK Futures Inc., a strategic foresight consultancy dedicated to enhancing the resiliency of organizations, communities, and individuals.
As a trusted advisor, Sanjay counsels leading business, government, and civil society organizations about enhancing resiliency with futures thinking. A leading thinker and speaker on strategic foresight in the face of multiple converging crises, Sanjay is featured in the Financial Times, Fast Company, CBC, The Globe and Mail, Les Affaires, and Nature, and has been published in prestigious academic journals and textbooks.
Sanjay is trained in scenario planning and is a skilled strategist, executive coach, moderator, and facilitator. In 2018, he completed the Oxford Scenarios Programme, Säid School of Business, University of Oxford. In 2002, he was trained by Royal Dutch Shell scenario planners at the Global Business Network. Sanjay believes that growing economic and environmental uncertainty makes it essential to develop a more resilient and compassionate world.
Sanjay is a highly-rated university professor and lecturer in areas related to foresight, converging crises, and service design. He has been affiliated with pioneering academic programs at McMaster University, Massey College at the University of Toronto, and the MA in Service Design Programme at the Royal College of Art, the world’s leading art and design university.
Sanjay is a member of the External Advisory Committee of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Community Programs (UCP). UCP serves the Earth system science community and is part of UCAR, a world-leading non-profit consortium of 127 North American colleges and universities focused on research and training in Earth system science. A member of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals, Sanjay is an Expert Reviewer of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
You can learn more about Sanjay and his company here: https://sanjay-khanna.com/about/meet-sanjay/